Wednesday, 26 December 2012

A New Version of Extremism

The most challenging threat in Islam World is the expansion of extremism which is a sweeping wave and may affect vast regions in addition to its origin; it may sway anywhere Muslims live. 

Now, extremism has darkened the prospect of life in Pakistan and time to time there is an incident of sectarian violence, suicide attacks and terror. 

Afghanistan is the most pitiful victim of the extremism which violence in the face of religion has no limit. In the name of Islam the same followers are executed, peeled, beheaded, stoned, attacked by suicide publicly and in many more features. Yet, far worse future is awaiting Afghanistan as Iran the other hostile neighbor upset with the presence of U.S. A. and other allies, plotting a new version of extremism. In addition that Iran supports Taliban and Hezbe Isalmi-both hardliner are Wahabi Sunnis; it exports a new version of extremism potentially very dangerous for a peaceful and pluralistic Afghanistan. It is a revised Shiism which is full of emotions and biases accompanied with tall, colored and pompous flags and slogans in Ashora and other religious events. It is only in its introductory phase and there are several signs which indicate that this version is either a potential extremism or causing the reaction of current extremism-Taliban and other extremists in Afghanistan.

Despite invisible but fast and furious expansion of the Wahabism in Southern and Eastern Afghanistan, it is opening its way to all over Afghanistan where are Sunni dominant areas. Badakhshan, a north-eastern province is now in danger of Salafism, Faryab has already shown itself even in Eid Days that Salafism has huts over there, in any other major cities in Afghanistan there are signs of falling in trap of Salafism. Kunduz was even far time ago a stronghold of extremism; Baghlan also has already shed the blood of MPs and innocent school students and civilians. I have witnessed several instances that Sunni youths are blindly following the Wahabism principles as it has happened that they have shown fundamental beliefs duplicating Salafism, such as quoting Hadis or Verse of Quran “Kill or eliminate those who are harmful.” How dangerous would be the interpretation of this Verse or Hadis? Numerous interpretations would be given to it targeting anyone who opposes the interpreter!
Now, a new stream of extremism is being exported by Iran and reaches to its climax in Ashora each year. This is a belief deep-rooted in Shia Sect but deviated by Iran Regime for purposes of influence and intervention in the region to show its hegemony to U.S.A. and its allies in the region. Further, to create problems for any progress and self-sustenance of countries like Afghanistan and Iraq; Iran lays different nets. This new trap has already provoked the reaction of Salafists in Afghanistan. Last year in Ashora procession, many people died due to suicide attack carried by them. On the other hand, each year Ashora is celebrated more widely and magnificently and flags and gates of Imam Hossain go deep inside the Sunni dominant areas to poke Sunnis for reactions. Finally it is Iran who enjoys the bloodshed of Shia and Sunni in Afghanistan. It creates enough problems for any bright future and peaceful life in this war-torn country. Iran has always been a good liar and a skilled conspirer. Apparently looking a good friend but virtually a spiteful enemy specially for Shias of Hazara in Afghanistan. 
When this is done, Iran may launch its second phase of extremism project like arming Shias faithful and loyal to him to fight U.S.A. and Sunnis. It would not be beyond expectation. Ordinary Shia Muslims do not know where they are heading to. They are happy that their religion is recognized by Constitution and they can celebrate it publicly and openly. The more pompous Ashora is celebrated, the more satisfied are the Shias due to their beliefs, but they do not know that the more pompous Ashora is celebrated, the more widely the hostility and hatred may become.
In Afghanistan except for some instances, there has not been religious conflict. Once Abdul Ali Mazari Said that in Afghanistan, the slogans are religious, but conflicts are ethnical. He was right. This country has experienced any kind of conflict except religious. The Afghanistan Sunnis, who are the majority, are the most modest Sunnis of the world. They have deep respect to Ahlul Bait of Prophet that Shia devote themselves to them and sometimes their prayer are full of their names and praises rather than God or the Prophet Mohammad. Unfortunately, now Iran is igniting the fire of war in Afghanistan. Last year Ashora was a start. This year, it took larger dimension and butted the destiny of thousands of university students. Next year and coming years, the insanity of Ashora will destroy our houses both Sunnis and Shias.


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